Homeward Bound...
It's been a while, but we've been moving house! We've got a new life in Wales! We've only gone and bought the house I grew up in...

My Mum's moved down the lane, my daughter Daisy is at the same tiny village school I attended as a child, and I've got a new studio in my sister's old bedroom... It's kinda weird, but I'm so happy. I just wish my dad could be here with us.
And my excuse for not blogging..? We've not had an internet connection since April!
Congratulations on your new/old home, it looks beautiful. I have revealed another example of your work on my Freaks and Monsters blog. Thank you, I think it’s brilliant.
Hi Garrett! Thanks! I'm so happy to have moved back home!
And thanks for the preview of the 'Lost Dogs' cover. I hadn't seen it with the title and stuff in place, and I'm glad you're happy with it. I think it works really nicely... Nick at S&S did a great job!
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