Lecker Piraten!! Pirata Nhac! Alle Tiders Bitte!
I've been a bit quiet. My original plan to blog once a week has gone awry. But it was the summer holidays. I had a lot to do. Some book covers. An enormous jigsaw. An off-putting five-year-old who spent too much time in my doodling room. And we went on holiday to Cardigan Bay.
But when we arrived home from our sunny Welsh holiday I had a card from UPS, and after one of those funny automated calls, they delivered a surprise package from my publisher, Templar....
Five foreign editions of 'The Pirate Cruncher'!! Oo-aRR!! (With little post-it notes so I know which one is which!)

So now the UK, US and Oz editions have been joined by Danish, Finnish, Italian, German and Brazilian editions. I'm struggling to get my head around the fact that a little boy, or girl, could be leafing through my silly pirate story in a sunny suburb of Rio de Janiero. It's just weeeeeeird!!But very very exciting!
And soon I shall be able to talk all pirate-y in six different languages. Yup. Or "Achtung, Monster!" as they say in Germany.
and a french editions ? T__T
Hi Piou Piou!
Fingers crossed a publisher in France will pick it up. That'd be great!
My wife speaks French, so we'd be able to read a French edition properly.
Awesome news on the book! The art looks amazing. Also great to see you have a blog now. I'm not sure if you remember but I emailed you last summer when you were holding classes at Newcastle Library? to see if I could meet you but it never worked out. Anyway just thought I'd leave a message to say hi. All the best!
Congratulations on the book being published in so many languages! The cover art looks great!
Hey, I'm from Sao Paulo, Brazil and your book it's a huge sucess in here =P
Me and my Nephews loves your draw style, that's why we buy it in the first place, but when all pirares got screw in the end, my boys really want more =D
Please email me when your new book is gonna be released, pleeeeeease!
Regards(?), Geraldo Juno Cecilio
Just bought it in a bookshop in Rome. We, me and Daddy, bought also another book (Pingu, do you know it?)! But I prefer the one with those silly pirates and the monster (it is my favourite character).
CIAO, DARIO (6 years old)
P.S.: beautiful book! GIOVANNI, aka Daddy
Saw it. Loved it. Bought it.
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