A Trailer!! For 'Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists!'.... Oooo-aaRR! Click on the image to be taken to the guardian's movie trailer page!

For anyone who's looked at previous posts and knows what I've been up to, I might be starting to sound like a broken record. 'Pirates' this... 'Pirates' that.... Picture books, concept art, picture books, concept art... Blah blah blah...
But I'm very, VERY excited today, because Aardman have released the first 'Pirates!' trailer, and it looks amaaaazing. My three dreams as a kid were to write and illustrate my own books, design characters for a movie and fly a space shuttle. I've worked on 'Pirates!' since February 2008 and designed lots of the characters, props and creatures, so seeing them moving about in a trailer is a big, BIG deal for me. I'm so excited!!
Just the space shuttle bit to do. Are they selling them off?
Can't wait !
Arrrrr !
Thanks, Serge! I can't wait either!
Congrats on a dream come true! Well deserved.
That looks like FUN! Congratulations.
Jonny, this looks ACE!
Well done with it all!
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